Monthly Archives: November 2009

‘ power to issue paper currency.’

‘..prevented the political monopolies .. no power to issue paper currency.’ ‘To prevent the larger, wealthier, or more populous states from throwing their weight against smaller states, their representation as states was made equal. To prevent the smaller or poorer states from ganging up and fleecing the more opulent states—throwing their joint weight—the popular representation


‘You have to have everybody share in knowledge.’ ‘I think, fundamentally, open source does tend to be more stable software. It’s the right way to do things. I compare it to science vs. witchcraft. In science, the whole system builds on people looking at other people’s results and building on top of them. In witchcraft,

‘The crucial test of private property .. money.’

‘The crucial test of private property is the attitude of government toward money. Devaluation of currency is outright expropriation. The British empire was founded when the debased coinage was restored to standard during the opening years of the reign of Elizabeth, on the advice of Gresham. At the time, English trade was in distress, the

‘Knowledge not parceled and segmented..’

‘So knowledge was not parceled out and segmented the way it is today.’ ‘Now let us understand a bit more about the Scholastic mind as shaped in the tradition of St. Thomas. At the root of the Thomist worldview was a conviction that all truth was unified into a single body of thought, and that

Water (electrically)

See: Water (electrically). ‘..experts have a limited view of the electrical nature of the Earth and its environment.’ – Wal Thornhill, Electric Weather ‘The water molecule is fascinating because, unlike the nitrogen and oxygen molecules in the air, it is electrically polarized.’ – Wal Thornhill, Electric Weather ‘I think that scientists should look more closely


‘We have to learn again that science without contact with experiments is an enterprise which is likely to go completely astray into imaginary conjecture.’ – Hannes Alfvén ‘For it is through actions that the mind and reality make contact.’ – Hans-Herman Hoppe (‘..the mind’s interaction with the physical world..’) ‘..tactile contact in order to heal,