Monthly Archives: September 2017

(Story) – Here – There, and back again (VII) – Party – Love Always Love (L’Amour Toujours)

‘Remarkably, however, when valuations actually reach those obscene bubble extremes, investors seem to assume that the bubble valuations will persist indefinitely, and will never, ever, revisit their historical norms again..’ – John P. Hussman, Ph.D. (‘..its the debt..’, September 18, 2017) This was the second day of our party, but only one second on earth

(Story) – Here – There, and back again (VI) – Party – The Self, the Mind – Still dancing

‘The 2008/09 financial crisis should have concluded an incredible era of dangerous risk misperceptions and flawed calculations. But the Federal Reserve and global central bankers Doubled-Down. Instead of the markets reverting back to more traditional (stable) views of risk, massive QE liquidity injections, zero rates and aggressive market liquidity backstops pushed risk analysis and perceptions